Enrolment application
The decision to enrol a child in a school is a significant one, and we are honoured when any parent in the community is considering Malek Fahd Islamic School as the next step in their child’s education. The school looks forward to the opportunity to welcome your child and support them on their journey towards academic and personal success.

How to get started
To enrol your child at the school, you will need to submit a completed application form along with copies of key documents. All applications must be submitted to the Administration Office of the campus you wish to enrol your child at, along with a non-refundable application fee.
It is important to gather all required documents and pay the application fee in order to complete the enrolment process.

What you will need
As part of your enrolment you will need to provide a completed application form and several documents. These documents will help the school to get a better understanding of your child’s academic and personal background. For entry into kindergarten, children need to turn 5 on or before 30 April the year they enter into school. Please note at least one parent must hold an Australian Citizenship or must be a permanent residence for enrolment.
- Birth certificate
- Immunisation record
- Parent’s proof of citizenship
- NAPLAN results
- Most recent school report

About the application process
To ensure that we can provide the best possible education and support for each student, we require all applicants to undergo an evaluation process.
For students entering secondary school, the process is more thorough, and may include written and aptitude tests, language assessments, as well as numeric reasoning tests.
For students entering primary school, this may involve a Q&A session with your child.
In addition, all secondary school applicants will be interviewed to assess their general presentation, communication skills, and fit with the school’s culture.
Dates for your diary
We encourage families to submit their applications as early as possible to secure a spot for their child.
We have specific deadlines for submitting applications and required documents, so it’s important to carefully review our enrolment timeline and ensure that you submit your application and all materials on time. For further details, please contact the relevant campus.